UKI and YAI ends, 2 Car Become Victim

created by : Arief Maulana Sugiantoro | | | 0 comment »

Jakarta, Stone martial and timbered among Indonesian Christian university student (UKI) and YAI has ended. Salemba's road that finds time misfire now back normal. Two car wreck this fighting effect.

fighting is college student 2 its universities after because gave consent by tens polices from Polres Jakarta Centers. Police dribbles that college student input goes to its campus each ahead RSCM, Jl Salemba, Center Jakarta, Tuesday (14 / 10 / 2008).

Besides traffic which easy-going, business men cloister is now was back sell wares its ahead RSCM.

Effect fighting two campus that becomes that enemy, two car wreck. Toyota Avanza silver b 8935 DQ that most parking is in front RSCM sideways glass part crush left.

Besides Toyota Avanza Silver b 2431 IZ that is parked is in front YAI'S campus also weight crush. Because nearly exhaustive glass breaks down and dented because body throw petrifies and Wood.

UKI Duma Barung's Law School lecturer rue its scene. But the most be rued deep each incident, no its cause. "This one we rues," say Duma to reporter at TKP.
what comment hit it? what is that college student action is equitable at points out thumb?

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