Story Syekh Puji

created by : Arief Maulana Sugiantoro | | | 0 comment »

Have gotten whats time we have heard Story Syekh Puji,, yes.. a man which take in marriage old child 12 want adult New Years full age have at hunting by Syekh Puji this..
Before we are memvonis's multitudes better we see also construcs social and the living one culture in that society.

don't mean to plead, marry age 9 12 years until today also still glows at Indramayu and its vicinity and by that local society commonplace just. while am I be still school, my friend also get married before they are SD's graduates and it happens Cirebon. On our oldster term also, or our grandmother, they also get married at gyration age 12 years downwards. On that term its social construction still looks on unstudied only.

If currently, DEPAG determines age 16 years as age of maturities to get married, on our grandmother term age 12 years have ripe to get married. This also relates psychological maturity shift someone. Era before since hard life onrush in particular colonial term up to 350 years, faster tending children mature difference with current, even age 30 even year a lot of childish ones.

My own deplores why she takes in marriage children, but before stamps pedofil or as it, see also culture and social construction around it. Since if we jump at a conclusion and generation, i am worried a large part buyut's grandmother grandfather we also pedofil. We are not bicara it culturizes primitive or not our one look on life indecorous at our era that we looks on modern. This relates culture wisdom. How big mengintervensi's rights sosio kultural's life someone.

Obviously friend are still remember while APP'S BILLS (now Porn BILL) will invite, we or partly we look on that BILL have done culture intervention and teacher`s is society. Our multitude debates koteka's problems, what is koteka that civilization symbol or just backwardness. Then we say teacher`s indecorous papuan civilization and looks on us more genteel from them, this form superioritas. At last is that BILL reject because constitutes one personal spatial intervention and communal. Is not this one inkonsistensi on our attitude to someone behavioural independence which concerning sosi kulturalnya's scope?

Hopefully we get able see society...

what is you comment in this case? as figure of society??

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