Telkom Traces Telephone Issue Switch Off

created by : Arief Maulana Sugiantoro | | | 0 comment »

Banda is Acheh (Among News) - PT Telkom (Plc) Kandatel is Nanggroe's Province Darussalam's Acheh (NAD) doing coordination with police force agency to trace issue concerning with "black knowledge" one that is broadcast network thru seluler's telephone (HP) one that frets society.

"Not true telephone issue black knowledge causative marks sense death. I am currently am getting coordination with Poltabes Banda Acheh to trace issue that fret that society," say General Manejer (GM) Kandatel NAD, Zarwilis Yunus, at Banda Acheh, Friday.

It appeals society not be affected by order that is passed on passes HP concerning with order for doesn't start up HP.

A Banda's towny Acheh, Goddess image, accepting order from its friend via HP that its content about prohibition start up HP on hits 10.00 WIB in consideration marks sense broadcast "infra tingles".

Zarwilis, bear out all information that broadcasting to pass through that seluler's telephone not true and its party assesses deliberate diffused for the purpose fret society.

"Once more not true, evenless if there is party which name that it orders from Telkomsel's operation. We appeal society, notably customer for don't be affected and to be angled by that issue," add GM Kandatel NAD.

Woolly issue its source that names that will breakneck when one of two number (0866 0666) emerge ruddles since gets to ensue fatal for mysterious call receiver that.

"Its name is issue even, shuttlecock must trusted. I thought to let we are working as always. Fond person trusts to issue, evenless until afters fear hears it therefore actually needs to be given by clarification with siraman spritual or goes to psikiater," say Arief Rahman, Banda's citizen Acheh.

In the meantime, a prominent Islam at Banda's City Acheh, Tgk Iskandar, appealing society in order not to is affected by issue issue that can cause people that syirik can.

"Not true if dead man because telephone. That death can happen to whoever and whenever, man doesn't know when its doom gets in (dead)," allegedly.

So, society in particular Islam people shall get to hold firmness to that confidence that death is not human business, her adds.(*)

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