Suzanna, Queens Horor Passes Away

created by : Arief Maulana Sugiantoro | | | 0 comment »

who that unacquainted suzzana, famous horor woman at indonoesia is now walked off mistis .

Last resort has have been made ready by Suzanna since year 2001 at Magelang. At this city too, natal actress 14th October 1942 in menghebuskan depletion breaths. horor's queen Indonesian this passes away on Wednesday (15 / 10) hit 23.15 WIB at Magelang, Intermediate java.
"Iya, really you Suzanna has passed away since diabetes pain that be suffered," say husbands, Clift Sangra as one is quoted from's sites.
Suzanna's departure that have Suzanna Martha Frederika's fledged name this Osch's van caused by diabetes disease that suffered by Suzanna since 30 last years. Before deceased, Suzanna earlier being nursed at Expectation Hospital, Magelang, Intermediate java, up to five days.
Now, corpse from Suzanna has been buried at Giriloyo's Common Funeral, Magelang on Thursday (16 / 10) hit 10.30.
Suzanna starts its career at afters entertainment biz win contest Three Virgin that auditioned by Usmar Ismail. Hereafter more Suzanna known as horor's role specialist. Films that ever been been headlined its as breathed as Deep Boggy, Foal In grave, Island Loves, and Black Knowledge Queen.
Last film that be headlined is Phantom Ambulance. In this film, Suzanna is not phantom personation, but as grandmother from protagonis's figure that experiences to terrorize from ghost.

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